I recently met a person who was out of work in his early years due to disability. In conversation, he had gotten into the habit of telling whoever he met that he was retired. While I certainly sympathized for him and his disability, I began thinking... " what's retired mean?" I've often shared with clients…
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Variety is the Spice of Life!
John Grey, noted American author wrote in his blockbuster book "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus" that when women have a problem, they call up all their friends, put up a pot of tea (or set a tee-time) and talk it out. Men however, tend to retreat to their cave and sit by…
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A New Age for Estate Planning-Is it Time for a Change?
If you are a golf member of Seville, you've had the privilege and pleasure of playing our great course many, many times. Have you ever noticed that each time you play, it seems to be the first time? Club selection is not always the same: wind conditions, humidity, temperature and other factors tend to affect…
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January…The Beginning or the End of the Year?
Born and raised in New York, New Year's Eve was always a big deal. My family was in the kosher deli business, and New Year's meant days of preparation and work getting ready for everyone else's party. We'd work all through the night before catching a few ZZZZ's stretched out across a few dining room…
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