The word "retirement" invokes varied visions: travel, new opportunities, exploring new areas of interest, or just taking some time to rest and recuperate. At CIG, retirement planning means having the wondrous ability to do what you want, where you want, when you want. Simple enough? Sure...if you prepare in advance.
Retirement planning is not an exercise to undertake on the eve of retiring: we like to start the process five to ten years prior to the projected retirement date. The more years you have available to make adjustments in your planning, the easier it is to project and set a roadmap that can be followed and adjusted if necessary.
Your retirement plan may include a residential re-location, pension analysis, adjustment in lifestyle, and a change in income that you have been accustomed to for some time. Our retirement planners have extensive experience in both the monetary aspect as well as the life changing effect on retirees. Speak with a CIG planner to see how and when you can retire and live the dream you have been working toward.