For many, retirement is the holy grail of life- right up there with meeting the love of your life, the joy of children and grandchildren, or anything else that took a long time to achieve and years of stick-to-itiveness. We’ve helped and walked with hundreds of people into that sacred space: many of which found…
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The Truth Shall Set You Free… or Make You Poor
Before I start, let me say I try to steer clear of discussing politics, religion or personal preference with clients and friends. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and we are all right and we are all wrong. With that said, I've got a couple of thoughts. With the elections still almost a year away,…
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Intergenerational Planning- more than just a big word…
For those of you who are parents and/or grandparents, the thought of moving your wealth from one generation to another can be rather perplexing and downright thought provoking. We want our children to do and be better than us, and our darling grandchildren are... well... our darling grandchildren! Full of life, innocent to today's harms…
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Here’s To The THANKS In Thanksgiving
For me, nothing says more than Thanksgiving for the month of November. Turkey, cranberries, the family around the table laughing and reminiscing…that to me is what Thanksgiving is all about. So tell me… how often do you think about the things you can give thanks for, as opposed to the things you lament about not…
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