Partners in Life Planning
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A Lesson In Life

Snoopy, probably the most recognizable dog in history, was sprawled across the top of his doghouse, sighing deeply. When asked what was wrong, he replied: "I'm a dog. Today I'll be a dog, tomorrow I'll be a dog, and forever I'll be a dog. Where is my opportunity for advancement?"

To some extent, Snoopy's right: he'll always be a dog. The issue is though, what kind of dog will he be? With proper planning and goal setting, he might develop into a dog so different from today that he would be a totally different being. Now, in Snoopy's case, it probably would be foolhardy: in most people's case, with proper planning and goal setting, the results can be endless. For each of us, our goals are totally different from the next person: but most of us have one thing in common – the desire to set and achieve one or many lifetime goals. I suggest that you start a list – a bucket list, if you will – so they don't get forgotten or passed over. There’s an old saying that says "if it isn't written down, it's as hard to hold onto as water in your hands." It's true: start on your list, and see how many things you can get accomplished throughout your lifetime, or any timeframe you set. But remember: if you don't set a goal, you can never achieve it!

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