Partners in Life Planning
(800) 358-0016

On Reducing Debt:

WHILE MR. CLITHEROE MAY POINT TO THE OBVIOUS, the fact is that in America today, paying for purchases usually happens after, not during the purchase. Debt is unfortunately rampant in today's world, sometimes because of necessity, and many times, by confusing the terms "want" and "need." When meeting with all our
clients, one of the first goals we
tackle together is to try to have you free
from all types of debt, excluding your mortgage.
If you have too much plastic, it’s time to look at the
amount of debt that is available to you, and reduce the
temptation by reducing the available lines of credit that
all companies will be happy to offer to you. I keep in
my pocket two American Express cards, one for business
and one for personal, and one MasterCard in the
chance that American Express is not accepted. To have
a pocket full of cards is to have a pocket full of temptation
to extend them, which for many digs a hole bigger
than one can dig out of. There is no sleep aid better
than knowing that you owe nothing. Try it- it work

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