Are you a millennial that tends to use your credit card for expenses between paychecks? Millennials are all about the experiences now-a-days even though you may know 100% that you can't afford these sorts of experiences you still end up living above your means and end up digging yourself into a hole. In a Forbes…
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Loan Money To The US Government…WITH NO INTEREST!
As a regular practice, I see a client's tax return and review its preparation and basic entries. While I'm not a CPA, as part of my Certified Financial Planner™ training, I attended a full tax section, so I am trained in taxes although I wouldn't think of doing my own taxes. More often than not,…
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From The President’s Desk
Needless to say, the first 6 months of this year have brought forth a plethora of news items that, when filtered down, will affect us in one way or another. On the domestic front, it's mostly healthcare and tax reform. Without getting into judgement or opinion, lets look a bit at each of these two…
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Prince, Sinatra Jr., Tom Clancy…What Did They Have In Common? Why Estate Planning Is Essential To Every Family
All 3 died within the past few years, to the chagrin of the adoring public. All 3 were very wealthy, and would pack houses for performances or in Tom Clancy's case, book signings and appearances. They all lived the good life, with mansions, exotic cars and private jets...and all 3 have judges sorting out their…
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