Partners in Life Planning
(800) 358-0016


I AM A LITTLE EMBARRASSED TO admit that for over 30 years, that word (and concept) has eluded me. If there was a book, magazine or television show containing that word, I was on it, bought it, read it, attended it, and studied it. Put yourself first on that unending list of daily things to…
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From The Senior Vice-President’s Desk

Dear Chestnut Friends, Since 2001 and the inception of our newsletter Financial Visions, I've watched Neal sit for hours and days thinking about topics and issues of what he saw as important to bring to your attention or impart knowledge to pass on to you, our valued clients. I've been his proofreader, inspiration (he tells…
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How Are We Doing

Well, if I had a hair back for all the times I've heard that, I would still have my Beatle cut! Everyone wants to know how they're doing, did I save enough, my next door neighbor said I should have had a zillion dollars saved by this age, and about the penny stock that went…
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Broker Check